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VM Magic

VM Magic is designed to reduce or eliminate disk device incompatibility problems for the VM/SP, VM/XA and VM/ESA user.

VM Magic, a system software extension to the IBM Virtual Machine (VM) facility, gives the VM user the capability of simulating any supported disk device. Compatibility problems between different disk types or technologies and software are, therefore, eliminated.

VM Magic will allow any guest operating system, and its software, to utilize any type of DASD supported by VM without change to programs, job control language, or operating procedures.

VM Magic operates by simulating the disk device type required by the user's software, utilizing whatever disk devices are available on the host CPU. As a result, VM Magic can be used to simulate most DASD configurations, limited only by the total amount of disk space available on the host processor, and the disk types supported by the VM operating system.

VM Magic completely eliminates the need for program and job control changes when changing disk device types. It allows guest operating system and application software to function with previously unsupported disk device types. VM Magic permits effortless migration across disk types and technologies, and the implementation of software programs regardless of the disk device types supported by those programs.

Therefore, VM Magic users:

1. Save time and money on disk conversions, both today and in the future.

2. Can run any guest operating system using any disk type supported by VM.

3. Reduce manpower requirements by avoiding or postponing costly program and job control conversions.

4. Improve throughput by using newer, faster disk devices to run old programs.

5. Can more readily recover from a data center disaster and have far greater flexibility in selecting a backup

End disk conversions forever with VM Magic!


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