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Universal Disk Control (UDC)

Universal Disk Control (UDC) is a software product designed to reduce or eliminate the problems caused by incompatibilities between DASD types. This means the user no longer need be concerned with software portability across DASD types. In performing its function, UDC provides significant advantages in three major areas, including:

  1. DASD independence.
  2. Hardware savings.
  3. Manpower savings.

Many programs written for older releases of VSE are device-dependent. When a program is written, a decision is made to use a certain DASD technology (either count-key-data or fixed block architecture), and within that technology, a certain DASD type. Subsequent use of another DASD technology or type requires program alterations, job control changes and, in some cases, conversion from one DASD access method to another. UDC completely eliminates the need for these changes, allowing effortless migration across DASD types and technologies.

UDC allows any DASD type to be used to simulate any other DASD type. The actual DASD to be used and the DASD to be simulated can be any mixture of the following types:

Real Devices: 2311, 2314, 3310, 3330, 3340, 3344, 3350, 3370, 3375, 3380, 3390, 9332, 9335, 9336, 0671, 9345.
Virtual Devices: 2311, 2314, 3310, 3330, 3340, 3344, 3350, 3370, 3375, 3380, 9332, 9335, 9336, 0671.

End disk conversions forever with UDC!


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