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Terminal Emulation 3270 VT-100 5250

TN3270 Plus Telnet client        HOME

Overview of TN3270 Plus telnet

TN3270 Plus is a flexible, efficient and inexpensive telnet client application for connecting Windows PC users to IBM mainframe, AS/400, and UNIX systems via TCP/IP. TN3270 Plus includes terminal emulation for 3270, 5250, VT220, VT100 and ANSI terminals and an integrated set of TCP/IP utilities in a compact easy to use product.

Flexible Terminal Emulation

TN3270 Plus supports Windows XP, 2000, NT, ME, 9x and 3.1x. A common interface to these operating systems allows deployment of the product throughout your enterprise without the support costs associated with multiple user interfaces. You may tailor the desktop interface to your specifications with keyboard mapping, color definition and customizable ASCII to EBCDIC translation tables.

Efficient and Inexpensive telnet client

TN3270 Plus has many of the features of large expensive products in a tight efficient package for outstanding performance with minimal resource usage. For example, automate common tasks with the scripting language or connect up to 9 terminal emulation sessions of any type in any combination at the same time. Use the integrated Internet utilities to gather information about other Internet users or to check the status of your email without ever leaving TN3270 Plus.

Why pay more for a product overloaded with features you will never use.
TN3270 Plus - unsurpassed price performance!

Ratings and Certifications (TN3270 Plus)

Paul's Picks Shareware Winner Rated 5 out of 5 stars by Paul's Picks Shareware Library on 1/30/2002.
Tucows 4 cows award Rated 4 out of 5 cows by Tucows on 9/12/2001.
SoftLandMark Editor's Pick Award Editor's pick at SoftLandMark.com on. 01/22/2001. 
WebAttack 5-star Award Rated 5 out of 5 Stars by WebAttack.com on 1/20/2001
FileTransit 4-star Award Rated 4 out of 5 stars by The File Transit Software Resource on 10/11/2000. 
telnet terminal emulation software Rated 5 out of 5 stars by SuperShareware on 13th May 1999.
Telnet TN3270 Plus Rated 5 out of 5 stars by ZDNet Software Library on 2/13/98. Read the ZDNet software library review.
Terminal Emulation TN3270 Plus This product has been tested by the manufacturer and found to be compatible with IBM Netfinity and PC Server brand products.

User Comments (TN3270 Plus)

"TN3270 Plus is a very sophisticated yet user friendly terminal emulator. I was up and running within minutes of installing it. It has plenty of wonderful features and you can't beat the price. I've tried other more expensive and disk hogging software and TN3270 Plus beats them hands down. Thanks for a great product."
-Douglas W. Custer-

"We have standardized on TN3270 Plus as our host emulator because our last emulator became unmanageable and other light emulators were too difficult to configure.  In addition, SDI's development team has been receptive to our enhancement requests and responsive in delivering solutions to those requests."
-Frank Hodge-, John Deere Ottumwa Works

"Beautiful product, wonderful support.  It just keeps getting better and better.  SDI really listened to our ideas for new features.  Thanks, SDI!"
-Allen Papapetrou-, School Board of Alachua County

We have replaced Client Access with your TN3270 client [TN3270 Plus] on almost all of our workstations.  The product is far easier to install and uses fewer resources.  Our users like the responsiveness of the interface better than Client Access.  When connecting to multiple AS/400's your product really makes the job simple.
-Tod Bennett-, Perfect-Image Inc.

TN3270 Plus prices and terms can be found on the following pages:

Features of TN3270 Plus:

Protocols: TN3270E (SNA over TCP/IP), TN3270, TN5250 and telnet.
Terminal emulation: IBM 3278 models 2 - 5, 3279 models 2 - 5 and 3279 (customizable size), IBM 5250 (24 x 80 and 27 x 132), VT100 (customizable size) and VT220 (customizable size).
File transfer: IND$FILE (3270 sessions only).
Multiple sessions: Connect up to nine concurrent sessions.
Printing: Print screen and print preview.
Screen capture: Capture and save screen images to a log file.
Toolbars: Dockable standard toolbar with buttons for commonly used commands. A status bar that includes the Operator Information Area.

A customizable floating keypad toolbar with buttons for terminal keys
(32-bit version only) .
Host Language Support: Select a host language code page for keyboard character translations (3270 and 5250 sessions only).
Fonts: User selectable fonts, scalable fonts and incremental font sizing.
Keyboard Mapping: Fully customizable keyboard for 3270, 5250 and VT100 sessions.
Customizable Mouse:  Customize the buttons on your mouse.
Color: User selectable color.
Clipboard: Cut, cut append, copy, copy append, paste (block, overlay block and stream modes) and print.
Selector Pen:

Support for selector pen (light pen) detectable fields (3270 and 5250 sessions only).
Keyboard macros: Record keyboard input and store it for later use.
Scripting Language: Use the scripting language to automate common activities.
Response time display: Displays a response time histogram for each session.
Address book: Save your session connection information in the "address book".
Internet Utilities: Finger, Whois, Check mail, Ping (Echo on Windows 3.1) and DNS Lookup.
Automatic Reconnect: An option that automatically reconnects any session disconnected by the host computer.
Automated Installation: An installation wizard leads you through install and uninstall (32-bit version only).
Web Browser Support: TN3270 Plus works as a supporting application with most popular web browsers.
Hotspot Support:  Allows words on the terminal screen to act as AID generating keys or active URL links. 
5250 Device Name Support:  Specify a device name for a session (5250 sessions only).
3270 Features
3270 Resource  Names support: Specify a resource name (LU name, device name or device pool name) for a session.
3270 null/space processing Converts nulls to space characters before data is transmitted to the host. This simplifies insert operations and eliminates character shifting when characters are deleted from a line (3270 sessions only).
New Features in Release 2.10
Release 2.10 is only available in the 32-bit version. Release 2.05 is still available for the 16-bit version.
Protocol:  Added TN3270E (SNA over TCP/IP) support.
Terminal Emulation: Added VT220 support.
Enhancements and Corrections in Release 2.10
Insert Mode Cursor:  Customize the cursor style for insert mode. (Setup, Display...)
3270 Suppress Autowrap: Added an option to suppress autowrap. (Setup, Terminal...) 
3270 Whole Field Delete: Added an option to make the delete key affect the whole field if it wraps from one row to another, instead of just deleting to the end of the row containing the cursor. (Setup, Terminal...) 
5250 Print Key: Added support for the 5250 print key.
VT100 Reverse Screen: 
Added support for the VT100 reverse screen escape sequence (displays the entire screen in reverse video).
VT100 80/132 Column: Added support for VT100 80/132 column modes.
VT100 Null Key:  Added a key to the VT100 keyboard mapping to send a null.
VT100 Function Keys:  Added support for the following telnet function keys: AbortOutput, AreYouThere, Break, EraseCharacter, EraseLine and TelnetInterruptProcess.
VT100 Customizable Control Sequences:  Added the ability to customize the control sequence that is sent to the host when a key is pressed. (Setup, Keyboard...)
DEC Answerback: Added support for the DEC "Transmit answerback message" control character. (Setup, Terminal...).
PrintScreen:  Improved the performance of the print screen function. 
ANSI Bolded Characters:  Added the ability to set a different color for each bolded ANSI color. (Setup, Colors...)


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